The GC-IR2 is the first compound specific isotope analyzer for on-site evaluation of δC1 – δC4 carbon isotopes and hydrocarbon concentrations for C1 – C6+ while drilling.
Reservoir Group’s cost effective solution utilizes the Paladin GC-IR2 to provide carbon isotope ratios directly from the wellsite. Carbon isotope analysis is generally carried out in the lab with long turn around times adding additional costs in collection, storage, shipping, and time for this analysis. The GC-IR2 analyzer is the first of its kind to operate in the field giving high precision δ13C values for C1, C2, C3, and C4 along with C1 – C6+ hydrocarbon concentrations using Hollow Waveguide and Quantum Cascade Laser patented technologies. The real time application of the GC-IR2 is pivotal for time-sensitive decisions in exploration or production applications.
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